Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Montessori home

For a variety of reasons (and influences) we are actively working to create a Montessori home.  Justin's Mom is our main mentor and Montessori guru - thanks Lee!

We have converted a bookshelf (conveniently located behind a baby gate where Mak can get to it, but Mae can't .. yet) to a Montessori shelf.  Lots of Mak's toys have elements of Montessori tools, but these resources are set up a little more intentionally.

At this point, I'm only organized enough that we have consistent dedicated time to work with these tools 1-2 hours/wk ... but Mak loves them so much that he brings a tray to his table and works on them on his own some almost every day.

spooning beans

scrubbing a chair

loading the dishwasher

part of the Montessori shelf

A quick shout-out to the Montessori home-school blogs out there that provide me with ongoing motivation and inspiration:
Counting Coconuts
Living Montessori Now
Maybe Montessori
Montessori on a Budget

And an amazing online Montessori resource:  Montessori Print Shop

If you're interested, check out this Montessori Print Shop Giveaway Contest! This is being done in celebration of the two year anniversary of Living Montessori Now.

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